Guide to Listening to the Energy Healings

Don’t listen to the healings while driving, as they may make you drowsy.

Set up a cozy space for yourself to listen - I like to climb into bed or make a nest for myself on the floor with pillows and blankets or lie down in some soft grass if weather permits. (The floor is also deeply supportive. It’s always there for you and catches anything you drop. :)

When connecting with these videos, give yourself plenty of quiet time and space to go all the way through it, with room to integrate and/or rest afterward. Some people like to lie still while listening, some like to move gently, some like to pause and journal. You do you, boo.

Feel free to fall asleep. It often allows us to receive the healing and information even more deeply.

Drink plenty of water. There’s a lot of energy coursing through these healings and people often feel that energy and sometimes emotion. Drinking water will help it move through you more easily. Plus, the healing will encode the water with exactly what you need to integrate after.

Sometimes the real effects of these healings show up days, weeks, or even months later. Trust that everything is happening in perfect divine timing and know that you are always being guided to what you most need to receive, with these activations and with everything else.

As with everything, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. If there’s a guide that shows up that you don’t resonate with or information that doesn’t sound right to you, that’s okay. Trust your own wisdom.

Sometimes your experience of the session is entirely different than the words I’m saying - and that’s perfect. Trust what comes through for you. 

Feel free to press pause at any time. To breathe into something or receive more guidance or healing. Sometimes I move quickly and you may want to bask in something for awhile before moving on with the video.

Above all, Trust your own intuition.


xo - Amber


I’m an intuitive channel, not a medical professional or therapist. I deeply believe in this work and it’s been a game changer for me and many who have worked with me, but I can not guarantee specific results. Each person who receives this work takes full responsibility for any changes and consequences that may or may not occur. Watching these videos is an agreement to these terms.